
Showing posts from July, 2008

Nanos foreign jaunt likely to be licensed

Tata Motors, which has been awash with Nano-related queries from across global markets, is mulling the licensing route for mass manufacturing the Nano overseas. The company has received enquiries from undisclosed car makers in the US, Latin America, Europe and South-East Asia for manufacturing and marketing Nano in these countries. Tata Motors circles indicated that the company might consider issuing licences to a particular car maker in offshore markets, who would manufacture the Nano there. Technology-transfer and associated manufacturing expertise issues would be shared by Tata Motors. Tata Motors vendors would also supply auto components to licenced foreign manufacturers. Sources said: “In lieu of the Nano licence, Tata Motors will get a fee. Existing auto-component makers of Nano will also benefit in the process.” The international manufacturing strategy is slated to crystallise once the Nano is physically available in India. When contacted, Tata Motors head (corporate communicati...